
年度 論文名稱
2010 高明瑞、劉常勇、黃義俊、張乃仁, 企業綠色管理、環境績效與競爭優勢關聯性之研究, 管理與系統, vol. 17, 2, pp. 255-278, 2010
2010 Huang, Yi-Chun and Wu, Y. C. , Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Productivity: The Taiwan Biotech Industry., Management Decision, vol. 48, 4, pp. 580-599, 2010
2010 黃義俊、楊敏里、劉德芳, 以計畫性行為理論實證研究女性創業意向, 創業管理研究, vol. 5, 1, pp. 33-68, 2010
2010 Huang, Yi-Chun and Wu Y. C., The Effects of Organizational Factors on Green New Product Success: Evidence from High-tech Industries in Taiwan. (NSC 97-2410-H-151-007), Management Decision, vol. 48, 10, pp. 1539-1567, 2010
2010 Chen, Anlin, Che-Hao Hsiao, Lanfeng Kao, and Cheng-Shou Lu, 2010. The Design of an Optimal Corporate Governance System in Taiwan。, Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, (FLI, 國科會財務領域B級期刊), 4, pp. 77-97, 2010
2010 Lu, Cheng-Shou*, A Reexamination of the Signaling through IPOs Underpricing, Journal of Management Science and Statistical Decision,(ISSN 1814-9073), vol. 7, 3, pp. 89-98, 2010
2010 高蘭芬與盧正壽*, 發行市場投資風險之探討-IPOs初始報酬變異觀點, 中山管理評論, vol. 18, 1, pp. 207-246, 2010
2010 盧正壽*與陳安琳, 一刀兩刃效果-論研究發展支出對IPOs發行折價之影響, 管理學報[100年度管理學報論文獎] [2014年第四屆聯電經營管理論文獎優等獎],[NSC 97-2410-H-151-019], vol. 27, 2, pp. 185-203, 2010
2010 吳立偉、王崇昱, 滿意度及轉換障礙對顧客留存與交叉購買的影響: 直接效果及干擾效果之比較, 中山管理評論, vol. 18(4), pp. 1139-1168, 2010
2010 Wang, Chung-Yu , Service Quality, Perceived Value, Corporate Image, and Customer Loyalty in the Context of Varying Levels of Switching Costs, Psychology & Marketing, vol. 27(3), pp. 252-262, 2010