
年度 論文名稱
2014 Chen, Anlin, Lanfeng Kao, and Cheng-Shou Lu, Controlling Ownership and Firm Performance in Taiwan: The Role of External Competition and Internal Governance., Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (國科會財務領域ATier-2,一般財務領域前17.19%期刊), vol. 29, 9, pp. 219-238, 2014
2014 吳立偉、王崇昱、江欣茹, 你今天Facebook了嗎?影響社群媒體持續使用意圖之探索, 東海管理評論 (被接受), 2014
2014 An advanced CMII-based engineering change management framework: the integration of PLM and ERP perspectives, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 52, 20, pp. 6092-6109, 2014
2014 A Multi-objective Approach to Supply Chain Visibility and Risk , European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 233, 2, pp. 125-130, 2014
2014 Testing for the Efficient Market Hypothesis in Stock prices: International Evidence from Non-linear Heterogeneous Panels, Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 18, 4, pp. 943-958, 2014
2014 Asymmetric dynamics in REIT prices: Further evidence based on quantile regression analysis, Economic Modelling, vol. 42, pp. 29-37, 2014
2013 Cheng-Feng Lee , Te-Chung Hu , Ping-Cheng Li , Ching-Chuan Tsong, Asymmetric behavior of unemployment rates: Evidence from the quantile covariate unit root test, 國科會經濟類B級期刊(2013), Dec. 2013
2013 Ching-Chuan Tsong* and Cheng-Feng Lee, Further Evidence on Real Interest Rate Equalization: Panel Information, Non-linearities and Structural Changes, Issue Supplement s1 pp, May. 2013
2013 Cheng-Feng Lee* and Ching-Chuan Tsong, Bootstrapping Covariate Unit Root Tests: An Application to Inflation Rates, Issue Supplement s1 pp, May. 2013
2013 Ching-Chuan Tsong and Cheng-Feng Lee, Quantile Cointegration Analysis of the Fisher Hypothesis, 國科會經濟類B+級期刊(2013), Mar. 2013