
101N23房屋抵押貸款違約因素研究:以L銀行高雄市某分行為例A Study on the Default Risk Factors for Mortgage Loans:An Example of a Branch of L Bank in Kaohsiung 高國強 李政峯老師
101N24產品創新、市場導向與社會資本對新產品績效之關聯性研究 -以知識整合能力為中介變數The Relationship Among Product Innovation, Market Orientation, Social Capital and New Product Performance—Knowledge Integration Capability as a Mediator. 顏薇真 楊敏里老師
101N25台灣全民健保保費收入與醫療費用支出之長期關係研究兼論二代健保意涵An empirical study on the long-term relationship between Taiwan’s health insurance revenues and medical expenditures, as well as the issue of the second generation health insurance 李淑惠 李政峯老師
101N26以計畫行為理論探討高科技電子產業員工知識分享行為-以A公司為例The Study of Knowledge Sharing in High-Tech Industry based on Theory of Planned Behavior - An Example of the A Company. 張小琪 陳榮方老師
101N2中小企業創業失敗案例之研究An Exploitation of SMEs Entrepreneurial Failure Cases 施政吉 楊敏里老師
101N3影響再購意願因素之探討-以轉換成本為干擾變數並以台灣紙業採購人員為例Antecedents of repurchase intention: Moderator of Switching Cost and example of procurement specialists paper industry 楊蕙菱 王崇昱老師
101N4以風險值評估債券型基金風險屬性之研究The measurement of Value at Risk for bond funds 黃淑薇 李政峯老師
101N5人力資源提升計畫之事業單位績效衡量Performance Measurement for Companies Implementing Human Resource Enhancement Plan 陳薇伊 余銘忠老師
101N6影響民眾使用公共腳踏車意願之研究-以高雄地區民眾為例A study on the influencing intention of using public bicycles-A case study of Kaohsiung citizens 蔡瀧德 黃義俊老師
101N7專業能力與知覺價值對顧客流失之影響—以信任、顧客滿意度為中介變數The Effect of Perceived Expertise and Perceived Value on Customer Churn – The Mediation Role of Trust and Customer Satisfaction 楊仁國 朱培宏老師