81 |
98D11 - 廢棄個人電腦回收系統之模擬研究 A Simulation Study of the Collection and Recycling Network for Personal Computers in Taiwan |
林志鑫 |
余銘忠 老師 |
82 |
98D12 - 以實質利差收斂性評估亞元可行性-結構性改變之單根檢定 Analysing the Feasibility of Asian Currency Unit using Real Interest Rate Differential - Evidence from Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks |
徐建仕 |
李政峰 老師 |
83 |
98D13 - 應用類神經網路於創業成功預測之研究 Applying Neural Neural Networks to the Forecast of Successful New Business Start-up |
陳俞蓉 |
余銘忠 老師 |
84 |
97D1 - 模糊語意偏好關係應用於技術移轉績效評估之研究─以產研機構為例Using fuzzy linguistic preference relations approach for technology transfer performance evaluation |
呂佳芸 |
葉惠忠 老師 |
85 |
97D2 - 影響女性創業意圖因素之研究—以社會網絡為中介變數 The Study on the Influence Factors of Entrepreneurial Intention for Female Entrepreneurs -The Social Network as a Mediator |
葉千禎 |
楊敏里 老師 |
86 |
97D3 - 連鎖超市導入資料探勘之研究 A study of applying data mining approach in supermarket chains |
沈秀蓁 |
葉惠忠 老師 |
87 |
97D4 - 體制壓力、高階回應、綠色創新的採行與組織績效之關聯性研究 -以台灣地區電機電子產業為例 An Empirical Study on the Relationship among Institutional Pressure, Top-management Reaction, Green Innovation Adoption and Organizational Performance: Taking Electrical and Electronic Industries in Taiwa |
林易詳 |
黃義俊 老師 |
88 |
97D5 - 公營銀行民營化經營績效之探討 A Study of the Performance on the Privatization of State-owned Banks |
賴郁芬 |
余銘忠 老師 |
89 |
97D6 - 應用模糊TOPSIS 於多屬性存貨分類之研究 Multi-Criteria Inventory Classification Using Fuzzy-TOPSIS |
江科昇 |
余銘忠 老師 |
90 |
97D7 - 中小企業授信模式之研究 A Study of Credit Rating Models for Small and Medium Enterprises |
呂佳容 |
余銘忠 老師 |