1 |
99D9 - 家族繼承 CEO 對策略聯盟績效的影響 The Effect of Family Succession CEO on Alliance Performance |
邱羽宮 |
翁鶯娟 老師 |
2 |
99D8 - 重新探討轉換成本與忠誠度之間的關係: 依賴之中介角色 Revisiting the Relationship between Switching Costs and Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Dependency |
吳詩雅 |
朱培宏 老師 |
3 |
99D7 - 通貨膨脹與股票報酬關係之再探討-以分量迴歸實證分析 Re-examining the Relationship between Inflation and Stock Return-Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis |
林宣蓉 |
李政峰 老師 |
4 |
99D6 - 以社會的觀點來探討影響辦公室合購因素 A study on factors influencing office group-buying from the perspective of social influence |
陳盈秀 |
朱培宏 老師 |
5 |
99D5 - 探討產品召回對品牌價值的影響 A Study of the Impact of Product Recall on Brand Value |
鄭聖揮 |
余銘忠 老師 |
6 |
99D4 - 影響目的地忠誠度的因素探討 –以休閒涉入為干擾變數 A Study of the Effect of Factors on Destination Loyalty –Leisure Involvement as a Moderator |
王思雯 |
王崇昱 老師 |
7 |
99D3 - 餐飲業外送績效改善之模擬研究 A Simulation Study of the Improvement for Take-out Delivery Performance |
李芳怡 |
余銘忠 老師 |
8 |
99D2 - 影響員工綠色創造力之跨層次分析-以環保產業為例 A Cross-Level Examination of Factors of Effecting Employees’ Green Creativity: Taking Environmental Industry as an Example |
李懿庭 |
黃義俊 老師 |
9 |
99D13 - 應用資料包絡分析法評估台灣電信業服務門市 之經營效率-以台灣A 電信業者為例 Using Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate the management performance of telecommunications service points: A case study of a telecommunications operator in Taiwan |
林原名 |
陳榮方 老師 |
10 |
99D12 - 採購知識管理與採購人員的能力對供應商績效之影響--以知識管理績效為中介變數 The Influences of Purchase Knowledge Management and Purchaser Capability on Supplier Performance – Knowledge Management Performance as an Intervening variable |
劉殷汝 |
葉惠忠 老師 |