Szu-Yin  Lin
Name Szu-Yin Lin
Office Tel No. 17358(Yanchao) 17312(Jiangong)
Fax Yanchao 07-6151202 Jiangong 07-396-1245
授課領域 1. Management Psychology 2. Organizational Behavior 3. Human Resource Management 4. Business Ethics and Sustainable Development
研究專長 1. Organizational Behavior 2. Human Resource Management 3. Entrepreneurship Management 4. Educational Administration Research
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
Taiwan National Sun Yat-sen University Institute of Human Resource Management Ph.D 2011.11 ~ 2018.01
Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Institute for Leadership and Organization Visiting Student 2013.09 ~ 2014.02
Taiwan National Sun Yat-sen University Institute of Human Resource Management M.B.A. 2007.07 ~ 2009.07
Taiwan National Chung Cheng University Department of Psyhoclogy M.S. 2002.09 ~ 2006.06
Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
NKUST Office of International Affaires Section Chair 2022.08 ~ 2023.01
NSYSU Office of Institutional Research Assistant Researcher 2020.09 ~ 2021.12
NKUST Office of Research and Development, Institutional Research Section Postdoctoral Researcher 2018.09 ~ 2020.09
Year Paper Title
2024 Accepted, 2024
2024 Chen, H-C.; Lin, S-Y.*; Chen, I-H., Image Discrepancy around Professional Work Matters: A Moderated Mediation Study, Current Psychology, vol. 43, 8, pp. 6840-6859, 2024
2024 Chen, H.-C., Lin, S.-Y.*, Chen, I.-H., Better Safe than Sorry: The Role of Anticipated Regret and Organizational Ethical Climate in Predicting Workplace Safety Behavior., Chinese Management Studies. 18(1), 48-70. DOI: 10.1108/CMS-10-2021-0446, 2024
2023 Chen, H.-C., Lin, S.-Y.*, Chen, I.-H., The Bright Side of Entitlement: Exploring the Positive Effects of Psychological Entitlement on Job Involvement., Evidence Based HRM. 11(1), 19-34. DOI: 10.1108/EBHRM-05-2021-0097, 2023
2023 Lin, C.-H.; Lin, S.-Y.;Hu, B.-H.; Lo, C. O., Investigating mental health outcomes of undergraduates and graduate students in Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of American College Health, Online First, 2023
2022 Wang, I.-A., Lin, S.-Y.*, Chen, Y.-S. and Wu, S.-T. , The influences of abusive supervision on job satisfaction and mental health: the path through emotional labor, Personnel Review, 51(2), 823-838., 2022
2022 Wang, I.-A., Lin, H.-C., Lin, S.-Y.*, Chen, P.-C., Are Employee Assistance Programs Helpful? A Look at the Consequences of Abusive Supervision on Employee Organizational Commitment and General Health., International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 34(4), 1543-1565. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-06-2021-0765, 2022
2022 Lu, Y.-Y.; Lin, C.-H.; Hu, B.-H.; Lin, S.-Y.*; Lee, C.-H., Strategic Alliances in Institutions of Higher Education to promote Sustainable Development Goals: A case study from two universities in Taiwan., Journal for Institutional Research South East Asia,20(2), 20-40., 2022
2021 林靜慧,林思吟*,胡柏先, 我國大專校院碩士班學生休學原因探析, 教育評鑑研究期刊,(30期),105-128, Dec. 2021
2021 林靜慧,林思吟,何希慧, 臺灣校務研究辦公室運作現況調查問卷分析, 評鑑雙月刊,(93), 42-44, Sep. 2021
2021 林靜慧,林思吟,胡柏先, 以校務研究探究大學校院碩士班休學原因, 評鑑雙月刊,(92), 41-44, Jul. 2021
2021 郭紹偉,林靜慧,林思吟, 透過校務研究分析提升國際競爭優勢, 評鑑雙月刊,(90), 40-43, 2021
2021 林靜慧,林思吟,胡柏先, 運用事件歷史分析法探討大學教師留任率, 教育研究月刊,(326期), 94-114, 2021
2020 Lin, S.-Y.*, Chang, H-I., Does Open-Plan Office Environment Support Creativity? The Mediating Role of Activated Positive Mood, Creativity Studies, 13(1), 1-20. (Scopus)., 2020
Year Paper Title
2023 Lin, I-H.; Lin, C-H; Lin, S-Y.; Cheng, C-F., Assessment of student learning experiences in EMI courses: The example of National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan., The 9th HERA Conference, 口頭報告, Jul. 13-14, 2023, Online
2023 Lin, S-Y.*; Chen, H-C.; Chen, I-H.; Khan, M. A. R., The Effects of Locus of Control on Life Satisfaction through Career Plateau – A Moderated Mediation Model , 18th European Congress of Psychology, 口頭報告, 會議論文, Jul. 03-06, 2023, Brighton, UK.
2023 蔡佩蓉,曾昱璇,謝明真,羅家暖,林思吟, 探討大學生打工動機與疫情之影響, 臺灣校務研究國際研討會, 2023, 臺中
2022 Lin, C-H.*; Lin, S-Y.; Hu, B-H, Higher Education Student Mental Health amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan., 臺灣校務研究專業協會國際研討會, Feb. 2022, 線上
2022 陳先郡,林思吟*,林明杰,陳以亨, 能者多勞還是能者過勞?員工工作能力與分配公平知覺之關係, 臺灣組織與管理學會年會暨研討會, 2022, 臺南
2022 Ng, C-T. S.*; Chen, H-C.; Lin, S-Y.; Chen, I-H., Career planning and turnover intention: The moderating roles of career plateau and risk-taking propensity., Annual Conference of European Academy of Management, 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland
2022 Lin, S-Y.; Chen, H-C.; Chen, I-H.; Chang, C-H.; Cheng, T-H; Polacek, Michal*, Be Courageous and Carry On – Leaders’ Courageous Act and Subordinates, Annual Conference of European Academy of Management, 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland
2021 Lu, Y-Y.*; Lin, C-H.; Lee, C-H.; Lin, S-Y.; Hu, B-H., Strategic Alliances in Institutions of Higher Education to Promote Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Two Universities in Taiwan, SEAAIR 21st Annual Conference (Virtual), Nov. 2021, Online
2021 Lin, S-Y.*; Lin, C-H.; Muttaqin, S., English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education: A Case Study from Taiwan., SEAAIR 21st Annual Conference (Virtual), Nov. 2021, Online
2021 Chen, H-C.; Lin, S-Y.*; Chen, I-H.; Ng, C-T. S., The Bright Side of Entitlement: Exploring the Positive Effects of Entitlement on Job Involvement, The 2021 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) International Conference, Sep. 2021, Online
2021 Ng, C-T. S.*; Chen, H-C.; Lin, S-Y.; Chen, I-H., Career planning and turnover intention: The moderating roles of career plateau and risk-taking propensity, Annual Conference of European Academy of Management, Jun. 2021, Online
2021 朱蓮春,林思吟*,俞星辰, 實施PBL教學提升學生學習成效-以國立高雄科技大學為例, 臺灣校務研究專業協會國際研討會, May. 2021, 線上
2021 Lin, C-H.*; Lin, S-Y.; Hu, P-H., Assessing the effects of IR policy on student learning outcomes in Taiwan., AIR Forum Virtual, May. 2021, USA
2020 Chou, W-J.; Lin, S-Y.*; Cheng, B-S., Humanistic paradigm in corporate management – A case study of a Confucian entrepreneur., Annual Conference of European Academy of Management, Dec. 2020, Online
2019 Lin, S-Y; Lin, C-C; Chu, L-C; Yu, H-C., Mergers in Higher Education – The Case of NKUST., SEAAIR 19th Annual Conference, Sep. 2020, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Lin, S-Y.*; Chen, I-H.; Li, A Y-P.; Hung, W.; Chen, H-C., Creating a Better Future: Implications from Futures Imagination Education in Taiwan, 16th European Congress of Psychology, Jul. 2019, Moscow, Russia
2019 Lin, S-Y.*; Chang, C-H.; Chen, I-H., Entrepreneurial Team Diversity and Innovative Behavior: A Look at Psychological Safety, 16th European Congress of Psychology, Jul. 2019, Moscow, Russia