Personal Journal

Year Paper Title
2008 vol. 55, 2, pp. 321-347, 2008
2008 vol. 16, 2, pp. 351-382, 2008
2008 vol. 5, 3, pp. 371-410, 2008
2008 Liu, Tsung-Chi and Chung-Yu Wang, vol. 24(3-4), pp. 283-298, 2008
2007 vol. 1, 2, pp. 54-64, 2007
2007 vol. 32, 4, pp. 65-81, 2007
2006 欉清全、李政峰與郭炳伸, vol. 34, 3, pp. 317-334, Sep. 2006
2006 vol. 23, 6, pp. 711-738, 2006
2006 A simulation analysis of controlling rules for flexible pull systems, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, vol. 1, 3, pp. 314-331, 2006
2005 vol. 2, 1, pp. 139-164, 2005