Personal Journal

Year Paper Title
2021 林靜慧,林思吟*,胡柏先, 我國大專校院碩士班學生休學原因探析, 教育評鑑研究期刊,(30期),105-128, Dec. 2021
2021 林靜慧,林思吟,何希慧, 臺灣校務研究辦公室運作現況調查問卷分析, 評鑑雙月刊,(93), 42-44, Sep. 2021
2021 林靜慧,林思吟,胡柏先, 以校務研究探究大學校院碩士班休學原因, 評鑑雙月刊,(92), 41-44, Jul. 2021
2021 vol. 115, 5, pp. 889-913, 2021
2021 Lee, H.*, The Rise and Challenges of Post-Pandemic Online Education, IEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 49, 4, pp. 54-58, 2021
2021 Lee, H.*, Guo, R. S., & Chen, C., E-learning in the postpandemic era: A case study in Taiwan, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (SSCI, JCR impact factor: 6.146), vol. 70, 10, 2021
2021 vol. 32, 5, pp. 1066-1093, 2021
2021 vol. 31(3), pp. 161-202, 2021
2021 Lin, S.-Y., Chen H.-C.*, & Chen, I.-H., Creating a better future: Implications from futures imagination education in Taiwan, Policy Futures in Education, vol. 19, 7, 2021
2021 郭紹偉,林靜慧,林思吟, 透過校務研究分析提升國際競爭優勢, 評鑑雙月刊,(90), 40-43, 2021