
99N15-綠色資訊科技採行意向研究 - 計劃行為理論之應用 The Adopting Intention of Green Information Technology - Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior 李俊德 黃義俊 老師
101N11來源國形象、價格搜尋行為、產品形象、知覺風險與購買決策關聯性之研究--以多品牌連鎖服飾銷售通路為例The Relationships among Image of Origin Country, Price Search, Product Image, Perceived Risk and Purchase Decision --The Multi-brand Channel of Clothing Stores 李名政 黃義俊老師
98N22-實質利率平價說與亞元的可行性-共整合分析應用 Real Interest Rate Parity and the Evaluation of Asian Currency Unit (ACU)-The Analysis and Application of Co integration 李和興 李政峰 老師
98N6-以計畫行為理論探討公務人員知識分享行為之研究 The Planned Behavior Theory Applied to Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Civil Servants 李惠寧 陳榮方 老師
104N4高雄地區房仲業營業員人格特質、組織承諾與離職傾向之關聯性研究-以工作壓力作干擾變數 李憶東 陳榮方老師
101N9家族接班人特性對公司經營績效的影響之研究The influence of a family CEO characteristics on firm performance 李春生 翁鶯娟老師
101N25台灣全民健保保費收入與醫療費用支出之長期關係研究兼論二代健保意涵An empirical study on the long-term relationship between Taiwan’s health insurance revenues and medical expenditures, as well as the issue of the second generation health insurance 李淑惠 李政峯老師
101N17庇護工場經營績效之衡量Measuring the Performance of Sheltered Workshops 李淑真 余銘忠老師
99N11-影響工作滿意度之因素探討-以自我監控為干擾變數 Factors that Affecting Job Satisfaction and the moderator of Self-Monitoring 李漢君 王崇昱 老師
98N19-研發支出及資本支出對企業經營績效的影響--以臺灣資通訊產業為例 The Effect of R&D Expenditure and Capital Expenditure on Enterprise Performance—A Study on Information and Communication Technology Industry in Taiwan 李美範 李政峰 老師