1 |
100D1 - 我國技職校院辦學績效之研究-以獲獎勵大學教學卓 越計畫補助款學校為例 Performance Evaluation of Technology School - An Example of Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities |
何瑋琳 |
陳榮方老師 |
2 |
100D10 - 自我效能、情緒、知覺環境不確定對創業意圖的影響 ‐以風險偏好為中介變數 The effect of Self-efficacy﹐Emotion and Perceived Environment Uncertainty on Entrepreneurship Intention-The Risk Preferences as a Mediator |
廖懿萱 |
楊敏里 老師 |
3 |
100D11 - 探討虛擬品牌社群知覺品質對購買意圖之影響 ‐以涉入與產品複雜度為干擾變數 The Influence of Perceived Quality in virtual brand communities on purchase intentions-Involvement and Product Complexity as Moderators |
劉致中 |
王崇昱 老師 |
4 |
100D12 - 公司治理與交易量對股價變動影響之研究 The study of the impact of corporate governance and trading volume on the change of stock price |
鄭芳郁 |
葉惠忠 老師 |
5 |
100D13 - OECD 國家債務永續性之實證研究 -分量單根檢定之應用 An empirical analysis of public debt sustainability in the OECD countries: Evidence from the quantile unit root test |
楊協峰 |
李政峰 老師 |
6 |
100D14 - 消費者創新性、價格意識、知覺風險對零售商自有品牌的品牌評價影響之研究-以家樂福為例The Influence of Consumer Innovatieness,Price Consciousness,and Perceived Risk on Retailer's Brand Evaluation of Private Brand -A Case of Carrefour |
劉冠吟 |
葉惠忠 老師 |
7 |
100D2 - 以採購經理人指數預測臺灣經濟景氣 Using PMI as an Economic Indicator of Taiwan |
林亞縈 |
余銘忠 老師 |
8 |
100D3 - 認知風格、創業熱情、知覺行為控制對創業意圖之影響 —創業警覺性為中介變數 The effects of Cognitive Style, Entrepreneurial Passion and Perceived Behavioral Control on Entrepreneurial Intention ─Entrepreneurial Alertness as a Mediator |
許鈺慧 |
楊敏里 老師 |
9 |
100D4 - 應用資料探勘技術建立顧客流失預測模型 -以行動通訊產業為例 The Application of Data Mining Technology for Building Customer Churn Predict Model in Mobile Telecommunication Industry |
郭承林 |
葉惠忠 老師 |
10 |
100D5 - 影響延伸態度之因素探討 -以涉入與消費者創新性為干擾變數 The Influence of Factors on Consumer’s Extension Attitude - Involvement and Consumer Innovativeness as Moderators |
郭建緯 |
王崇昱 老師 |