
100N4-探討職能別限制下之人員排班問題A Study of Job Assignment Problem under Employee 辜士銘 余銘忠 老師
100N5-以科技接受模式探討智慧型手機購買之行為意圖 -以iPhone 手機為例A Study of the Purchasing Intention Using Technology 歐勁麟 陳榮方 老師
100N6-政府優惠購屋專案貸款授信風險評估 —以個案銀行為例The Credit Risk Assessment of Government Preferential Loans 李聰威 葉惠忠 老師
100N6-政府優惠購屋專案貸款授信風險評估 —以個案銀行為例The Credit Risk Assessment of Government Preferential Loans 李聰威 葉惠忠 老師
100N8-健康食品對身體健康影響之研究A study on health influence of health food 江愛真 葉惠忠 老師
100N9-以高雄捷運公司的角度 探討跨港纜車之可行性研究A Feasibility Study of the Cross Harbor Cable Car 張義勇 李政峰 老師
101N10行動商務QR Code 網路訂票之顧客低使用意願 關鍵因素探討- 以台灣高鐵為例The Study of Customers' Low Use Intension on Internet QR Code Ticketing by Mobile Commerce The case of Taiwan High Speed Rail 蔡松佐 葉惠忠老師
101N11來源國形象、價格搜尋行為、產品形象、知覺風險與購買決策關聯性之研究--以多品牌連鎖服飾銷售通路為例The Relationships among Image of Origin Country, Price Search, Product Image, Perceived Risk and Purchase Decision --The Multi-brand Channel of Clothing Stores 李名政 黃義俊老師
101N12企業型態對庫藏股宣告異常報酬影響之研究-以宣告購回和資訊揭露品質為干擾因子The Effect of Firms Type on the Abnormal Returns of Stock Repurchases -Share Repurchases Announcement and Information Disclosure as Moderating Variables 林建宗 翁鶯娟老師
101N13人格特質、工作滿足與工作績效關係之研究 —以某台資企業兩岸員工為例A Study on Connection between Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance – Case Study of Cross-Striated Employees in a Taiwanese-base Corporate 滕中文 陳榮方老師